People have different
reasons why they lose weight. Some people become tired of being overweight and
simply make the changes necessary to accomplish their goal of weight loss.
Others lose weight because there is either a significant health issue/s attached
and losing weight is imperative or they are tired of looking at themselves in
the mirror.
There are various
reasons why people lose weight. Another reason why people may lose weight is to
become comfortable within their own skin per se. Some people have become so
overweight they have problems breathing, sleeping problems, skin problems,
moving from one place to another, or simply uncomfortable in their way of
Unfortunately, you
have those who lose weight outside their means of control; for example due to
cancer (cancer family) or some form of thyroid problem, stress can cause a
person to lose a significant amount of weight. The issue with thyroid can also
cause you to gain weight. Let’s go back to your child hood moment of having
dinner cooked and its not to say your parents way of cooking was wrong, but the
discipline of in-taking foods then and now are primary reasons why there are
huge weight issues.
However, what if
there was another reason why it is imperative for people to lose weight? A
reason that has never been discussed other than weight loss will make you
‘feel’ better. But what if losing weight is correlated with losing a lot of
emotional baggage that a person has carried for years. These emotional baggages
have caused people to become weighed down in the oppression of depression and
deep hurts.
The weight that has been
carried by different individuals is a greater issue emotionally because there
may be times where you eat from the drive of an unknown subconscious underlying
issue. What if the significance of losing this weight plays an extreme role of
truly fulfilling your desired happiness that lies within your control?
What if the weight
that you carry is due from all the hurt and pain, the rejection, the fears, the
craving of wanting to be with someone but morally as well as ethically you know
you cannot because it’s wrong and now you resort to eating? You don't eat
because you are hungry, but for self-satisfaction; often times you become your
own sweet little white lie you tell yourself that you are okay but are driven
by the pain to eat.
You tell yourself you
are okay but are driven by the hurts to eat. You say you’re okay, however,
whatever is going on subconsciously is driving you to take in what isn’t good
for you at that moment. Driven to soothe the pain and hurt in some form or
another. Driven to soothe the loneliness and aches of not having someone truly
there for you.
There are many people
who are driven to drink alcohol, smoke and use drugs mostly because there is an
underlying issue of a developed hurt that begun somewhere. You oftentimes have
reasons to suppress these underlying issues and for the most part try to
suffocate the ‘feeling’ of what was done and how it was done, but it’s never to
any avail because it’s rooted and grounded.
The psyche tells you
that you're okay as long as you make these sweet confessions every day, but how
often do people stop and really ask themselves, “Why do you drink? Why are you
so angry? Why are you really eating? Why do you need to feel that intimacy? Why
do you get high? Why do you really justify behaviors that only bring you harm?
Why do you justify behaviors that compromise who you are?"
In closing; losing
weight isn’t just a matter of inches turned into pounds. Losing weight is a
matter of losing all the emotional baggage, heartaches/abuse (emotional,
physical & psychological), seasonal relationships/divorce, negative words
that were spoken to your soul; this is accumulated weight gain that need to be
addressed and lost. This is the significant weight loss that is necessary to
keep you from dying and the opportunity to drive you to use as leverage; to
press into the pain and move forward.
Press into those
disappointments and move forward. Press into the negative words and move
forward. This weight does not have to weigh upon your present but it can be
leverage to catapult you into your future. Let’s lose the weight and build from
there a healthier outlook for yourselves. Lose the naysayers and just do
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