I write this to those who are still searching for your purpose in life. Babies need a lot of tender care and time. The loudest language any baby can make that would get the attention of their parents is the sound of their cries.
As a parent, you must do everything you can do to find out what is wrong with your baby. Sometimes the only care the baby may need is to be held close to your chest because this gives the baby security.
In the same sense as your purpose. There is a cry that is sounding inwardly and no one can hear it but you. However, you have been walking around frustrated with the world because you are not happy with how your life is right now.
You want to fulfill your heart's desire and you feel there is no way it can be done with working and school possibly or even side jobs including family responsibilities.
WISE TIP: Sometimes all it takes to satisfy a crave is a small taste.
In other words, give your passion a small taste of fulfillment. It can be going to the library to research your passion. Take notes, It can be journaling about how you would like to see it manifest and when. It could be speaking positive words to yourself when no one else will. Feed your baby something to satisfy its' crave and your frustrations will minimize.
Why? because it is at that moment when you begin making baby steps to coming into your destiny. Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel. It doesn't matter how many supporters you may or may not have. Believe in yourself and do it. If you let your baby starve to death you are killing who you are. Don't let your baby die. Hold it close and secure it.
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