Thursday, March 16, 2017


Discouragement can be a heavy load of bricks that weighs upon the mental. There are times you may find yourself pursuing the passion and run into some difficulties that knock you back further than where you begin. One way to look at a setback is to do a self-evaluation of how focused you really are. Evaluate why the setback happened and analyze how to embrace the resistance when it comes again. Keep your head up and stay afloat. Don't let the discouragement take you under but take it as a time to re-evaluate some things. Keep moving forward.

Discouragement comes to gear you off course and will keep you from pushing forward. People word's can be discouraging which is the reason you must use wisdom to be careful who drop their seeds in your spirit. Words carry substance and you have a choice who speaks into your life. You can choose to embrace their words or eradicate them altogether.

Overall, keep your head up. Keep moving forward and know that each step and each setback is preparing you to enter your destiny as a skilled and strong individual.
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