There is a cry in the earth that has God's attention. All too often we are in pursuit of temporary things that will soon fade away. There is a great need in the earth in this hour that has the heart of the father beating ever so strong....The need to deliver a people... his creation. There is a cry in the earth that has the God of the Hebrews attention and it is this cry that causes God's attention to seek and seek for and after that vessel of willingness to submit to his spirit, his move.... it is the cry of desperation. It is the cry of deliverance. It is the cry of a lost generation.
All too often we are wasting precious time fighting over vain things and worthless things. We fight over those things that carry a lesser weight than that which is spiritual. The spirit of the Lord would say to a people... it is the weightier things that matter in the spirit. However, in our ignorance we allow the devil to bring us subtle distractions that would pull our time and attention away from what weighs the most and that is... knowing the burden of the Lord.
What is the burden of the father? What is it that his heart beats for? What is the pulses of his heart saying to us as a people? If we can detach from the deception and take authority over it and walk in our authority we would be able to hear truth and hear the cries of the earth and we would be able to labor with the father and then see deliverance come.
There is a cry in the earth... the cries of desperation and despair..the cries of deliverance.. and it is this that has his attention...not your fancy dress wear..not how prophetically profound you may's not how eloquent in the word you are nor is it in the shout of your dance... it is the cries of his creation..his workmanship. Who will come and join with us to labor for true purpose?
copyright 2013
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