Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Ransom for our Soul...Could you have done it?

Many of us are not willing to pay a price for what it takes to truly live. Most of us are content in being just "Happy." And a lot of us have really never experienced true JOY. There's a difference. Happiness is our contentment when we have 'things' such as a house or apartment, the bills paid and nothing is about to get turned off, we're happy.

 We're happy when there is peace and no drama from that significant other, or simply happy when everything is going the way we want or think they should go. It is sad but true that 'things' dictate to most of us how we feel. Therefore, when we want happiness, we do what  has to be done.

On the other hand what is needed to experience real joy is not defined by the materialistic things one has accomplished. Joy is an inner settled peace that comforts you and holds you together when all the world around you is falling apart, for example, when people lose their jobs, cars, shelter and no money. You have the advantage of having that real joy on the inside that speaks to you in the midst of and it contradicts what is.

That joy has been given to us at our disposal because of what one man did over 2000 plus years ago. In this earth there were decisions that were made to satisfy or make the flesh 'happy' so we built things and experienced with things to bring about a form of happiness, yet in our soul there seemed to be a continuing void that was groaning in its on language.

We were still dying in this cycle when we thought we were living, and we could not understand what was happening or why it was happening. For us who have children, many of us have a difficult time letting them go, cutting the cord and allowing them to grow.

Some of us had one child and others had more and still we feel the need to hold their hand every step they make. However, there was a God, the God of the Hebrews. The God of Isaac, Jacob and Moses who looked upon us, a lost people, ignorant in our ways, he witnessed the need of a spiritual conditioning. And that spiritual conditioning consisted of providing us desperate measures to escape the cycle of death. God gave us the key to life.

One of our favorite scriptures is John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. The Holy Spirit gave me a deeper revelation for this scripture and it has become life for me. It is so powerful.

For God so loved his creation, that he gave his only fathered son that whosoever believed in him should have everlasting life. In a nutshell, God gave us his heart and soul that we could live. We have access to the key of life and to be Joyous even when we are without materialistic things, we have the opportunity to live. This gift that God provided us was the greatest intercession made on our behalf and this is what its all about. Giving up all so someone else may live.

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