Have you ever wondered what is the real reason for fasting? Is fasting truly necessary in today's generation? What about wondering what fasting result in at the end? These are only a few questions one may ask. Let me start by saying fasting can be proclaimed or chosen by the Lord.
It is a time for mourning and weeping unto the Lord on the behalf of his people. Why? Because Romans 12:1 says, "I beseech you, therefore, brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice. Now, what is the living sacrifice Paul is referring to? He is referring to this flesh and your heart.
I would more so like to point out the flesh because while you are fasting; you are bringing into subjection the nature of the flesh and positioning your spirit in the rightness of God's spirit.
You are submitting your body to God as a sacrifice unto him. The weaker your flesh becomes, the stronger you become in your spirit. God honors fasting because it is unto him and according to his word, he says, "My meat is to do the will of my father which is in heaven."
What happens while you're fasting? Isaiah 58 says, "Is this not the fast that the Lord has chosen? So because he chose this fast, he will, through your sacrifice and labor of love set the captives free. He will undo the heavy burdens and heal the wounded. He will destroy the strongholds and yokes from off his people. Why? Because you submitted to the will of God to rather suffer in your flesh for a little while and see his glory than self-serving and watch his people die.
If Christ already became the sacrifice, why do I have to sacrifice? He said, "No greater love has no man than he who lays down his life." As you are fasting you are laying down your will and picking up God's will. Is fasting easy? No. This is why it's called a sacrifice. It is not easy to fast but God's grace is sufficient to carry you through if you do it wisely.
How will I know he is calling me to a fast? You will know because the crave for food will begin to diminish. You will have a seek down within you to want him more than anything around you. You will know because your appetite will lessen every day.
Overall, you are fasting for the Lord and no one else and it will be pleasing unto him. If God is calling you to grow deeper in him and with him, this is one requirement that is absolutely inevitable. This is the requirement it takes to see his people set free from the bondages of darkness.
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