Saturday, March 25, 2017

The 3 A.R.R.'s of understanding your purpose for destiny.

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3 ways to know how you are purposed for destiny

There are 3 ways to know how you are purposed for destiny. To be purposed for anything in this life there has to be an understanding of the 'why.' Why are you aiming towards whatever it is that you have become focused on? What is your intent or goal to get whatever it is that you have aimed for accomplished? What is the reason you are doing what you have been or desiring to do?

The first step is understanding what you have in front of you. What does your circle of 'friends' look like? What are the mindsets of those who are close to you? Are they talking the same language as you? Would it make sense to involve yourself with a goal and there isn't a significant 'why' behind it. If you want to avoid the frustrations of fulfilling a certain accomplishment for your life and the lives of others, understand the why.

The second step to knowing how you are purposed for destiny is to pay attention. From day to day, as life goes on, the need to slow done and evaluate some pros and cons often times become neglected. It is wise to evaluate areas of your life and pay attention to how others respond to your 'why.' Evaluate their actions and yours. How are they responding to what you are doing? Has their demeanor changed? What language is coming from their lips? Is what they are saying weighing on you? Or are you being lifted by their words?These are some of the things to pay attention to. The third step is to make a decision. Life is all about making decisions. Sometimes you may wonder if the decision you chose is a wise decision to make.

Sometimes you wonder if it was a good or bad decision to make. Most people are afraid they will not make a good decision. I believe when you decide and you see the end result it is a lesson learned whether it worked itself out for the good or the not so good. What if the decision you fear making the most turns out to be the best decision you have ever made? You will never know if you don't make the decision.

The most crucial step to knowing how you are purposed for destiny is to decide to embrace the fears that come along with each step you make towards your destiny. What do I mean? Make the decision to do it afraid. Fear is a common instinct for humans and it never goes away. It is within your innate nature. There is a destiny that awaits you and the overall picture is not seen. This is what is feared the most because you cannot see it.

What would your destiny look like if you decided to start living towards the cause of your why?


Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Have you ever found yourself entangled with nonsense? Some may have gotten weaved in by way of deception that lead to chaos and confusion. Others may have gotten entangled by way of someone else's condemnation of an expectation from your past. There are many ways a person can find themselves entangled with nonsense.

 Perhaps your entanglement could have come by way of pursuing your passion. You know. Those naysayers who love to see you sweat or the ones who get a thrill (cheap one) at watching you entertain their condemning words of what you should have done, how you should have done it, and to whom you should have done it with. I write to say this to all my readers. Be careful how you respond and use wisdom not to react out of your emotions.

In my new book release, "PURPOSED FOR DESTINY" I have written that in a lot of situations you may have to let go of your weights. See, wisdom would say in a moment of having to make a decision while inside a sinking boat. If the weights that are weighing on the boat are causing it to sink, "would you let the whole boat go under, or would you throw the weights into the sea to save the boat and yourself?We all would love for family and friends to come with us, but everybody within your circle is not for you in your time of pursuing your destiny.

There are those who will smile in your face and talk bad behind your back. There are others who will have nothing but negative excuses coming out of there mouth to discourage your plans to make your dreams come to pass. The there are those who will say, "I'm not 'trying' to be negative or anything BUT...

To keep yourself moving on the right track and away from the discouraging and condemning words; I would suggest you do the following no matter what:

  • Pay attention to who is around you.
  • Really listen to what is coming out of their mouth.
  • It's okay to ask what is their motive for saying what they said.
  • Weigh your pros and cons for that person to continue in your life as a close knit.
  • Do not entertain at ground level. (The naysayers are beneath you and what you are in pursuit).
While you are on your journey there are two levels in life. There is a ground level and a higher level. The ground level keeps you limited in how far you see and leveled with the problems that surround you. The higher levels keep you focused beyond what is on the ground level. This higher level may cause other people to judge you and say, "you think you better than us." 

This is not the case at all. This higher level will save your life and cause you to strive for better balance. This higher level will also help you with seeing what is coming your way from a distance and give you a reason to prepare for what is to come. You cannot do this on ground level. Devils love entertainment but the spirit of the Lord is commanding you to come up to your higher grounds. Arise and soar.


Friday, March 17, 2017

The purpose of fasting

Have you ever wondered what is the real reason for fasting? Is fasting truly necessary in today's generation? What about wondering what fasting result in at the end? These are only a few questions one may ask. Let me start by saying fasting can be proclaimed or chosen by the Lord.

It is a time for mourning and weeping unto the Lord on the behalf of his people. Why? Because Romans 12:1 says, "I beseech you, therefore, brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice. Now, what is the living sacrifice Paul is referring to? He is referring to this flesh and your heart.

I would more so like to point out the flesh because while you are fasting; you are bringing into subjection the nature of the flesh and positioning your spirit in the rightness of God's spirit.

You are submitting your body to God as a sacrifice unto him. The weaker your flesh becomes, the stronger you become in your spirit. God honors fasting because it is unto him and according to his word, he says, "My meat is to do the will of my father which is in heaven."

What happens while you're fasting? Isaiah 58 says, "Is this not the fast that the Lord has chosen? So because he chose this fast, he will, through your sacrifice and labor of love set the captives free. He will undo the heavy burdens and heal the wounded. He will destroy the strongholds and yokes from off his people. Why? Because you submitted to the will of God to rather suffer in your flesh for a little while and see his glory than self-serving and watch his people die.

If Christ already became the sacrifice, why do I have to sacrifice? He said, "No greater love has no man than he who lays down his life." As you are fasting you are laying down your will and picking up God's will. Is fasting easy? No. This is why it's called a sacrifice. It is not easy to fast but God's grace is sufficient to carry you through if you do it wisely.

How will I know he is calling me to a fast? You will know because the crave for food will begin to diminish. You will have a seek down within you to want him more than anything around you. You will know because your appetite will lessen every day.

Overall, you are fasting for the Lord and no one else and it will be pleasing unto him. If God is calling you to grow deeper in him and with him, this is one requirement that is absolutely inevitable. This is the requirement it takes to see his people set free from the bondages of darkness.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017


Discouragement can be a heavy load of bricks that weighs upon the mental. There are times you may find yourself pursuing the passion and run into some difficulties that knock you back further than where you begin. One way to look at a setback is to do a self-evaluation of how focused you really are. Evaluate why the setback happened and analyze how to embrace the resistance when it comes again. Keep your head up and stay afloat. Don't let the discouragement take you under but take it as a time to re-evaluate some things. Keep moving forward.

Discouragement comes to gear you off course and will keep you from pushing forward. People word's can be discouraging which is the reason you must use wisdom to be careful who drop their seeds in your spirit. Words carry substance and you have a choice who speaks into your life. You can choose to embrace their words or eradicate them altogether.

Overall, keep your head up. Keep moving forward and know that each step and each setback is preparing you to enter your destiny as a skilled and strong individual.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017


For all of you who have children of your own or may have taken in someone else's child/children, you will understand my next statement. Do not let your baby die! What do I mean? We have all been given something to be passionate about and for some, you have already come into your passion. For others, you are still searching.

I write this to those who are still searching for your purpose in life. Babies need a lot of tender care and time. The loudest language any baby can make that would get the attention of their parents is the sound of their cries.

As a parent, you must do everything you can do to find out what is wrong with your baby. Sometimes the only care the baby may need is to be held close to your chest because this gives the baby security.

In the same sense as your purpose. There is a cry that is sounding inwardly and no one can hear it but you. However, you have been walking around frustrated with the world because you are not happy with how your life is right now.

You want to fulfill your heart's desire and you feel there is no way it can be done with working and school possibly or even side jobs including family responsibilities.

WISE TIP: Sometimes all it takes to satisfy a crave is a small taste.

In other words, give your passion a small taste of fulfillment. It can be going to the library to research your passion. Take notes, It can be journaling about how you would like to see it manifest and when. It could be speaking positive words to yourself when no one else will. Feed your baby something to satisfy its' crave and your frustrations will minimize. 

Why? because it is at that moment when you begin making baby steps to coming into your destiny. Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel. It doesn't matter how many supporters you may or may not have. Believe in yourself and do it. If you let your baby starve to death you are killing who you are. Don't let your baby die. Hold it close and secure it. 

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